17km & 40km


About the RACE


1. The race is conducted in accordance with the regulations of the Hellenic Cycling Federation and the UCI and all participants are aware of them and are obliged to comply with them.


2. ALL adult and underage OREN athletes are required to present to the Race Secretariat:




You will find the above documents to be printed below in the relevant tab "participation forms"
No adult or minor athlete will be accepted without the above documents.
Affidavits must be certified as true copies of the signature.

3. It is mandatory to wear a suitable cycling helmet that complies with all the necessary specifications.


4. Participants are fully responsible for the safekeeping of their personal items-equipment during the event.


5. Participants must register and deposit money in time for the dates indicated.


6. The organization reserves the right without any problem to use photos and videos where any participating athlete appears.


7. By submitting the entry form ALL athletes accept all the terms / regulations of the race.



The winners' awards ceremony will be held in the central square of Sperchiala.

On the 40km Route:

The 1st, 2nd & 3rd winner of each category will be awarded a cup and a gift, the 4th - 5th and 6th winner will be awarded a medal.

On Route 17km:

The 1st, 2nd & 3rd winner of each category will be awarded a trophy and a gift.

In the E-bike category 40km:

the top three will be awarded. All participants will be given a commemorative medal at the finish line!


40km Goulinas Race

Under 18
1st - 200€
2nd - 150€
3nd - 75€
1st - 200€
2nd - 150€
3nd - 75€
1st - 200€
2nd - 150€
3nd - 75€
1st - 200€
2nd - 150€
3nd - 75€
1st - 100€
2nd - 75€
3nd - 50€
1st - 100€
2nd - 75€
3nd - 50€

17km Diasergianni Race

Under 18
1st - 100€
2nd - 75€
3nd - 50€
1st - 100€
2nd - 75€
3nd - 50€
1st - 100€
2nd - 75€
3nd - 50€



The organization reserves the right to amend this notice for what is not provided and/or for any other change. In any case, athletes will be informed in a timely manner through the website and social media of the event.

For anything not provided by the notice, the Competition Committee decides on the spot and has the right to modify the race.


In case of particularly extreme weather conditions or other reasons of force majeure (strikes, earthquakes, disasters, or security issues), the organization reserves the right to modify the route, postpone the race and move it to another date or cancel the race.

In case of cancellation of the race by the organization, 100% of the amount paid by the participants will be refunded.


Εγγραφείτε εδώ...


Οι εγγραφές άνοιξαν και λήγουν στις 26 Σεπτεμβρίου. Μετά το πέρας της παραπάνω ημερομηνίας καμία εγγραφή δε θα γίνει δεκτή.
Στην Γραμματεία του αγώνα την Κυριακή 1η Οκτωβρίου που θα λειτουργεί από 7:00π.μ έως 9:30π.μ. στην Κεντρική πλατεία Σπερχειάδας, οι αθλητές θα προσέρχονται στην Γραμματεία για την επίδειξη των εγγράφων (υπεύθυνη δήλωση ενήλικου ή ανήλικου αθλητή) και την παραλαβή των αριθμών αγώνα.


Για να είναι έγκυρη η συμμετοχή των αθλητών θα πρέπει μέχρι 26 Σεπτεμβρίου να καταθέσουν το ποσό των  15 € για τη διαδρομή των 17km, και το ποσό των 20 € για τη διαδρομή των 40km.
Η κατάθεση του χρηματικού ποσού θα γίνει με τραπεζική κατάθεση στον εξής λογαριασμό:

Τράπεζα: Εθνική Τράπεζα

ΙΒΑΝ: GR12 0110 8250 0000 8257 4820 435

Δικαιούχος: Αλατάς Παναγιώτης



The deposit must be accompanied by the full name of the depositor and the title of the GOULINAS MTB RACE.


Any deposit costs will be borne ONLY by the depositor.


The competitor who registers participation and does not come to the race is not entitled to a refund of the money deposited.



7:00 π.μ. έως 9:30 π.μ. Εγγραφές στην Γραμματεία του αγώνα

9:30 π.μ έως 9:45 π.μ Τεχνική Ενημέρωση

10:00 π.μ Εκκίνηση του αγώνα Goulinas Race 40km και E-Bikes

10:15 π.μ. Εκκίνηση του αγώνα Diasergianni Race 17km

2:00 μ.μ. Aπονομές στην Κεντρική πλατεία Σπερχειάδας



The following will be present at the venue:

2 ambulances of the EHIC

2 doctors

1 Physiotherapist

Fire Service



3 Pharmacies within the city

Health Centre at 5km Tel:22363 50000

Lamia Hospital at 35km



Commemorative medal for all athletes and T-shirt

Water supply at the refuelling stations

Gels, electrolytes, bananas at refuelling stations

Free lunch for all participants

service pack

Provision of medical services


Starting point - Finish: Central Square of Sperchiada

See here the routes of the race:

Goulinas race 40km

We start our wonderful route from the Central Square of Sperchiada "Athanasios Grasshopper". 
The first 400m. are asphalt and then we take the uphill over the wreckage of the bombed (by the Germans in the war of 1940) Agios Nikolaos, where our route climbs up a path for about 1 km, where we fall into the stream, after our descent.

 We go out on the asphalt for about 100m. to take the necessary breaths for the first demanding uphill of the route on a dirt forest road with gravel for about 350m. to the chapel of Profitis Ilias, where a beautiful and fast path starts for about 1km through holm, pine trees, oak and gullies, until we meet the asphalt. 

After about 230m of asphalt road we enter a very fast path capable of overtaking for 2.5km (we find running water in the middle of this route at the watering trough before the first wooden bridge) until we reach a rural road. 

We continue pedaling uphill to reach the fountain t'Labiri (also running cool water) after about 1 km.Entering again on an open slightly uphill path we reach at an altitude of 500m to the beautiful chapel of Panagia Gorgiani where it is the first supply station with amazing shade in the plane trees. 

In the next kilometer we pass by the legendary motocross track and enter the best trails on our route. 

Specifically, after the motocross track, after 250m of asphalt to take the necessary breaths, we start for about 2.5km of very technical and difficult passages through oak, holly, plane tree and many beautiful gullies. We arrive at about 11km where our two routes separate. 

We take on the right the uphill path of "Kokkinia" which is very open for 2.5 km up to 850 altitude, to exit on a forest dirt road that will lead us to the top of Goulina after 5.5 km. 

On the route there will be two supply stations where you will certainly need for this demanding altitude climb. 

Up to the top whether you like it or not... you'll see the mane... Vardusia... Saradiana... Veluchi... Olympus... 

From the 1467m. altitude peak, a very strong descent begins so that you can compensate for the efforts you have made to get here. At the beginning in the "syraho" and for about 3.5km you will slide along paths of incredible beauty with alternating views, first on alpine terrain (you need to be very careful in the first 400m), then between the fir trees where the sun will be lost for a long time for about 1.5km and then on the neck of the mountain Kambia-Fteris in a very fast and very technical part. 

Then you dive into oak landscape on an also very fast trail that will leave you with your mouth hanging open. Reaching a forest road with chestnut trees we climb for 700m where again we enter a downhill very fast path for 1.5km to Paleovracha where we take a forest road through the fir trees east for about 2km to the chapel of Agios Nikolaos. 

We continue left on a narrow path for 1.5km with great attention to the steep draws until we pass all the gullies and continue but two km downhill path easy until the forest road. In 1km we will find the chapel in Agios Dimitrios (where there will be a spring with drinking water again) and in another 2,5km beautiful forest road we turn for the "pipe". There there is a trail for 1,5 km on a "crazy" downhill with a big draw for fast riders where also needs a lot of attention! We reach a gully and tarmac for the last breaths for about 100m. 

We enter the last part of this beautiful route in the area of "Kokkalakia", first on an open path and then on the "pittaki" between the pine trees to then pass on asphalt for the last meters of the route.


A1: up to 18

Α2: 19-29

Α3: 30-39

Α4: 40+



Diasergianni Race 17km

We start our wonderful route from the Central Square of Sperchiada "Athanasios Akridas". The first 400m. is asphalt and then we take the uphill over the wreckage of the bombed (by the Germans in the war of 1940) Agios Nikolaos, where our route climbs up a path for about 1 km, where we fall into the stream, after our descent. We come out onto the tarmac for about 100m to take the necessary breaths for the first demanding uphill section of the route on a gravel forest road for about 350m to the chapel of Profitis Ilias, where a beautiful and fast path starts for about 1km through holm oak, pine, oak and gullies, until we meet the tarmac.  

After about 230m of asphalt road we enter a very fast path capable of overtaking for 2.5km (we find running water in the middle of this route at the watering trough before the first wooden bridge) until we reach a rural road. We continue pedaling uphill to reach the fountain t'Labiri (also running cool water) after about 1 km. Entering again an open slightly uphill path we reach at an altitude of 500m the beautiful chapel of Panagia Gorgiani where is the first supply station with amazing shade in the plane trees. In the next kilometer we pass by the legendary motocross track and enter the best trails on our route. Specifically, after the motocross track, after we press for 250m of asphalt to take the necessary breaths, we start for about 2.5km of very technical and difficult passages through oak, holly, plane trees and many beautiful gullies. We arrive at about 11km where our two routes separate. 

The Diasergiani Race continues left downhill on a forest road in the so-called "Kokkinia" for about 700m. until the small chapel of Agios Athanasios where we will enter the Voidolivado path. This is the fastest trail of the route and perhaps the most enjoyable as you will develop high speeds for about 4 "crazy" km through holly-oak and again holly in amazing landscape changes. 

A very fast categorical track with straights where nature has taken care to give us routes that will remain unforgettable, while the volunteerism and the passion of the people of the organization have taken care of the rest by making wooden bridges and beautiful "descents" in the dirt. There are several places to overtake but also many ...dangerous until we find the stream "Maritsa" where we have tunnels made of holly. Side by side in the stream we cycle again quickly on a zig-zag path and we reach the point to enter the last 3 km of the route, where those who have ...courage make their overtakes before reaching the finish line in the Central Square of Sperchiada.


B1: up to 18

Β2: 19+



The route is adequately marked with ribbons, spray paint, and signs. There will be mileage markers as well as signs with arrows and exclamation points warning of technical points of special attention.

The organization is committed to remove all the signage after the end of the race.

* Judges will be present at key points of the route to guide the athletes, as well as volunteer and rescue teams to assist in the safety of the athletes


Race checkpoints are located at selected points and at each feed station. There will be a judge there to record the athletes.

Athletes are required to have their number in a prominent place and to pass through all checkpoints.

*Athletes who refuse to show their number and/or do not pass all the checkpoints are cancelled and their names are removed from the scoreboard.


For the short route: there will be one (1) refuelling station.

For the long route: there will be three (3) refuelling stations.

All stations will have water, energy gel and electrolytes.

After the end of the race a free lunch will be provided to all athletes.



In our area you will find the following hotels - guesthouses - camping:


Its name has an absolute connection with Sperechia and the small chapel of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, which is built on the slopes of Golinas, in the location "Gorgiani".

See More


Flokati rooms in Sperchiada offer fully equipped rooms for relaxing and peaceful holidays.

See More

& Diana

The Lirio Guesthouse is located at the entrance of Makrakomi, 145 metres from the main square of the ...

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The hotel "Omilaia" is the ideal destination for nature lovers, mountaineers, cyclists, hunters, ...

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For mountain getaways* Renting a Finnish wooden house, a villa in one of the most beautiful villages in Greece...

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For the friends of Camping...

There will be the area of the 5x5 pitch in Sperchiada opposite the Sperechias Police Station which will have a WC.

"It is the unknown in the corner that turns my wheels"
Heinz Stucke, German long-distance cyclist
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